The State of Employer Branding – Global Industry Summary

Employer Branding has faced significant challenges in recent years, characterized by market instability and a workforce that demands more from their employers. This report by Seenit sheds light on the state of Employer Branding this year, emphasizing the need for reframing, evolution, and future-proofing. To compile this report, insights from industry experts and surveys of Employer Branding professionals and employees were utilized.

Our co-founder Adam Horvath contributed to the report along with global industry experts from IKEA, L’Oreal, Primark and Google. The full report is available HERE

1. Reframing Employer Branding

I. Attracting Talent

In 2023, 76% of employees are actively researching company’s employer branding, marking a significant 52% increase from 2022. Moreover, an impressive 96% express a greater inclination to apply to companies with strong employer brands, signifying a 39% surge in this sentiment compared to previous years. Negative reviews on review sites have gained more sway, with 87% of employees indicating that they would be discouraged from applying, a notable increase from the 58% figure in the past.

II. Engaging Talent

There has been a notable shift in employee engagement, with 86% of employees now reporting higher engagement in their roles and within their organizations. This is a significant improvement from the 68% engagement level observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This increase in engagement is viewed as a positive trend, especially given the challenges posed by phenomena such as „quiet quitting” and the talent revolution.

III. Retaining Talent

Employer branding and company culture is of paramount importance in retaining talent. 84% of workers in 2021 were considering leaving their jobs for companies with better reputations, and this concern is still relevant today.

IV. Navigating through changing landscapes

“You may feel the world is speeding up now, but it will never be as slow as it is now. Adapt fast, that’s the key.”

Adam Horváth,Chief Sparkle Offizzer, Brandfizz 

In a rapidly changing landscape, employer branding faces challenges. Shifts, such as COVID-19 and economic downturns, have disrupted recruitment. The focus must evolve beyond attracting, retaining, and engaging; it’s about identifying needs. With 40% of employer brand professionals facing talent shortages, hiring right, not just hiring, is critical. Adaptation to market dynamics is crucial, and flexibility is key. The one-size-fits-all approach no longer applies. Employer branding must become smarter and more strategic in communicating with diverse audiences.

V. Put the one you are speaking to at the heart of your employer branding 

To truly transform employer branding, a people-centric approach is essential, the focus should be on the needs and experiences of the individual. Employee Experience (EX) is emerging as a trend, with 55% of professionals recognizing its importance and 77% of job seekers considering it when looking for a job. EX encompasses every interaction with the organization, while Employee Engagement (EE) is about how employees feel. To start, building awareness of the employer brand is critical. Employers need to get their brand in front of their audience. Video content is growing in popularity, with 42% of employees seeking it to understand company culture, leadership and daily life.

2. Enhancing Employer Brand

Creating an action plan for your Employer Brand is an exciting journey, and you understand the significance of this function within a business. But what happens when you’re not receiving the support you need? Often, the behind-the-scenes work goes unnoticed. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks, especially when resources are limited. This is a common challenge, with 62% of Employer Brand professionals reporting no increase in their budgets this year, and 15% experiencing budget cuts. This is precisely why it’s crucial to educate your leadership team, board members, and other key stakeholders.

“Why does a strong Employer Brand bring us business value? Years ago, the question was, why should I pay attention? Now the question is how. How do you calculate your budget? How do you fit in with HR and marketing? It’s more tangible, more action-oriented.” 

Adam Horváth, Chief Sparkle Offizzer, Brandfizz 

Unfortunately, only 15% of Employer Brand professionals state that their organization is committed to building and maintaining an appealing Employer Brand. One-third of Employer Branding professionals lack leadership support, so securing buy-in is essential to obtain the resources needed to elevate Employer Branding.

3. The strength of real EVPs

An authentic Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining talent. It encompasses all the benefits employees receive in exchange for their contributions. However, it’s not just about having an EVP; it must genuinely reflect your organization. While 62% of Employer Branding professionals claim their Employer Brand aligns with their work culture and values, a staggering 75% admit that their EVP doesn’t accurately mirror the employee experience. 

“We have found people resonating with a lot of video content because obviously, it’s great to have. In my experience, I’ve seen that people resonate with people’s stories because that’s stories that have been bringing people together in the world since the start of time.”
– Adam Horvath, Chief Sparkle Offizzer, Brandfizz 

Authenticity is the key, and leveraging real employees and video content can amplify your EVP’s impact. 

“As a global leader, your responsibility entails establishing strategic objectives and constructing a comprehensive EVP framework. To discover localized solutions and empower your regional teams to breathe life into these initiatives. ”
– Adam Horvath, Chief Sparkle Offizzer, Brandfizz 

Customizing your EVP to suit different markets and cultures is also crucial in the evolving landscape of Employer Branding, where one size no longer fits all.

3 components to keep in mind when building your EVP framework.
(Source: Seenit 2023)

4. Future-proofing employer branding

1. Competitive branding

Competitive branding has emerged as a growing concern among professionals. In one way or another, the market dictates what matters most. Market leaders could risk becoming irrelevant if they fail to offer what candidates seek. It’s crucial to stay true to your values while remaining attuned to the evolving preferences of employees and candidates, especially as younger generations enter the workforce.

2. The use of AI in employer branding

Discussing Employer Branding in 2023 requires a mention of AI and technology. Surprisingly, only 20% of Employer Branding professionals report using AI in their roles, with another 15% planning to do so. AI enables machines to perform programmed tasks, and while it has gained global attention, it’s not a new technology. Although popular AI tools can streamline tasks and enhance Employer Branding efforts, professionals may feel pressure to adopt them. 

3. How to measure the success of your employer brand?

Looking forward involves looking back to understand how your Employer Brand performs and contributes to your business. To demonstrate its value, data is essential, but measuring ROI can be challenging. 

If you’re lack of data, here are some KPIs to look out for:





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Munkaerő megtartás

1. képzési nap – VÁGJ BELE!

Employer branding alapkövek: Integrált Employer Branding Stratégia és mérhetően eredményes munkáltatói márka építése


Azonnal felhasználható Employer Branding Eszköztár

  1. Employer Branding Szótár és Zsebkönyv
  2. Üzleti igény felmérés és belső érintetti térkép sablon
  3. Employer Branding HR Audit checklist
  4. Munkaerőpiaci versenytársi térkép checklist
  5. Employer Branding KPI lista


Gyakorlatba ültetést érdekes feladatokkal fogjuk ösztönözni és segíteni.

  • A képzési napok közötti egy hónapot a résztvevők az Employer Brand Akadémia során megszerzett tudásuk és az Employer Branding eszköztár azonnali felhasználásával, az ezt támogató házifeladatok elvégzésével töltik.
  • A házi feladatok eredményeiről az akadémisták öt dia terjedelmű prezentációt és mini videót készítenek.

2. képzési nap – VALÓSÍTSD MEG!

Perszonalizált jelölt- és munkavállalói élmény fejlesztése: munkáltatói értékígéret és employer brand bevezetése


Azonnal felhasználható Employer Branding Eszköztár

  1. Employer Branding kutatás szempontrendszer checklist
  2. Jelölt, – és munkavállalói élménytérkép sablon 40 élménypont mentén
  3. Optimalizált EVP szerinti munkáltatói márka tartalom checklist
  4. Employer Brand Ambassador Program ckecklist


Gyakorlatba ültetést érdekes feladatokkal fogjuk ösztönözni és segíteni.

  • A képzési napok közötti egy hónapot a résztvevők az Employer Brand Akadémia során megszerzett tudásuk és az Employer Branding eszköztár azonnali felhasználásával, az ezt támogató házifeladatok elvégzésével töltik.
  • A házi feladatok eredményeiről az akadémisták öt dia terjedelmű prezentációt és mini videót készítenek.

3. képzési nap – KELTSD ÉLETRE!

Employer branding kivitelezése a gyakorlatban: bizonyítottan bevált módszerek, amivel megsokszorozod a saját forrásból betöltött pozíciók számát


Azonnal felhasználható Employer Branding Eszköztár

  1. Employer branding kivitelezési és erőforrás terv, mérési rendszer és riport struktúra sablon
  2. Toborzási & belső kommunikáció & tartalomfejlesztés checklist
  3. Jelöltélmény központú álláshirdetés és karrier oldal drótváz, tartalomstruktúra sablon
  4. Útmutató a karrier oldal látogatók forrásainak monitorozásához
  5. Social employer branding tartalom terv sablon
  6. Útmutató social toborzási kampány menedzsmenthez
  7. Employer Brand Akadémia Best Practice Gyűjtemény
  8. AI blueprint: gyakorlati one-pager az induláshoz kezdőknek
  9. Mesteséges intelligencia checklist: így promtolj ChatGPT-ben


Gyakorlatba ültetést érdekes feladatokkal fogjuk ösztönözni és segíteni.

  • A képzési napok közötti egy hónapot a résztvevők az Employer Brand Akadémia során megszerzett tudásuk és az Employer Branding eszköztár azonnali felhasználásával, az ezt támogató házifeladatok elvégzésével töltik.
  • A házi feladatok eredményeiről az akadémisták öt dia terjedelmű prezentációt és mini videót készítenek.